Information about Study

  • An applicant becomes a student on the day of enrolment in the university.

  • A standard period of study is at least three years and at most four years.

  • The maximum duration of a doctoral study programme is eight years. For doctoral candidates admitted to study no later than the academic year 2016/2017, the maximum lenght of study is the standard length of study of this study program prolonged by five years.

  • Doctoral study programmes are realised in full-time or part-time form. The form of study may be changed during the study on the basis of the student's request.

  • The doctoral candidate is entitled to a doctoral scholarship, if studying in full-time studies for a standard period of study.

  • The study is organised according to an individual study plan under the supervision of a supervisor and possibly also with the participation of a advisor.

  • The individual study plan in particular includes a list of study obligations, scientific, research or other creative obligations and planned or recommended foreign stays or other research internships or pedagogical activities.

  • The study in the doctoral study programme is monitored and evaluated by the Subject Area Board established as per Section 47 (6) of the Higher Education Act and according to Article 22 (13) and (14) of the Constitution.

  • A doctoral candidate may take an exam in a registered subject no more than twice, i.e. they are entitled to one substitute date. The results of exams are classified as pass - fail.

  • Study may be interrupted more than once upon request from a student or by virtue of office. With the exception of cases where the reasons for termination of study apply, the dean interrupts the study of a doctoral candidate upon his request. The longest total length of study interruption (Article 54 (1) of the Higher Education Act) is the longest period which, together with the actual time of study, does not exceed the maximum period of study.

Last change: November 22, 2024 15:01 
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Charles University


Student Affairs Department

Doctoral Studies Office

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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