Study Abroad

A. Short-term study abroad

Short-term study abroad are often a requirement for entering the professional scientific sphere. Mobility of academic staff and students is ensured by international agreements, contracts and exchange programmes, including:

B. Long term study abroad

In addition to short-term internships, it is also possible to complete an entire study abroad, receive a foreign scientific degree and be a student of Charles University at the same time.

Programmes are used for such studies:

The doctoral candidate can complete a full course of study within an internationally accredited degree programme and receive one (Joint Degree) or more (Multiple Degree) degrees or complete a doctorate in two departments under dual supervision (cotutelle).

Comparison Joint Degree vs Cotutelle

SYLFF Fellowship Program

SYLFF provides a maximum of two years of financial support to doctoral candidates in the social sciences or humanities PhD programmes for writing their dissertations. An important criterion for supporting specific research is its contribution to society.

More information on SYLFF

Last change: July 4, 2024 11:22 
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Charles University


Student Affairs Department

Doctoral Studies Office

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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