Alumni Club

The Alumni Club is a modern successor of the former Society of Graduates and Friends of Charles University – Carolinum. During an academic year, members are invited, e.g. to a garden party in the Wallenstein Garden, to the Christmas meeting of Charles University as well as to many discussions and meetings with important guests of Charles University. The membership also provides graduates with generous discounts and benefits in university facilities (Dormitories and Refectories, the Sports Centre, Karolinum Publishing House, the Central Library of Charles University) as well as within the Lifelong Learning Programme and with external businesses, grants them access to the CU remote databases and electronic resources, and connects them with other graduates and academics of Charles University.

Graduate societies are active at practically all faculties of Charles University.

Current list of societies

Registration to the Alumni Club

Complete the online registration form and wait for confirmation by email.

Pick up your membership card, which you can use to draw a number of benefits. More information about benefits

Membership is for graduates of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral program at CU.

Last change: November 2, 2023 10:58 
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Charles University


Student Affairs Department

Doctoral Studies Office

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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IČO: 00216208 

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