• Supervisor


The supervisor in a member of academic staff (Associate Professor, Professor or accomplished specialist), who with regard to the expertise at national and international level, personal integrity and moral qualities represents a guarantee of superior and proper supervision of the student. The supervisor shall also have sufficient time available to advise and consult with the doctoral candidate. Each supervisor shall prove adequate knowledge of internal regulations in force at the University.

The supervisor's work is essential for the doctoral study. The supervisor is responsible for the quality of the doctoral project (topic) and for expert supervision of the PhD candidate.

A supervisor for the given PhD candidate shall be appointed and dismissed by the Dean on the proposal of the Subject Area Board. The scientific-research activity of the PhD candidate may be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor who is not employed by Charles University

A supervisor may propose to the Subject Area Board that a advisor from among appropriate experts shall be appointed to supervise the PhD candidate during a particular section or time period of Doctoral study due to the advisor's special expertise or methodical and technical possibilities

A supervisor shall supervise and provide guidance to the PhD candidate, recommend specialised literature (resources), teach the PhD candidate how to interact with experts, to present the results of own research work to the public (soft skills), teach the PhD candidate to raise funds to finance the projects, help him establish expert contacts at home and abroad and enter the international scientific community, pass their knowledge on to PhD candidates and enable them to teach to a reasonable and suitable extent according to their approved individual study plans.

Supervisors of PhD candidates who have graduated from doctoral programmes of study are to be paid a bonus under conditions stipulated by Directive No. 20/2018.

Last change: March 15, 2024 14:10 
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