For PhD Candidates

AI in Education

Do you want to use generative AI tools, but don't know how? Here you will find tips and advice on how to best work with AI and what to watch out for.


Newsletter for PhD Candidates

Check out the newsletter (Sep–Jun), where you will find an overview of events, seminars, and other information prepared as part of the Doctoral Study Hub.

Educational Portal

Discover a wide range of courses on our educational portal and sign up for the ones that interest you most.


Research Data Management

We will introduce you to the FAIR principles and data management plan, and teach you how to make your research outputs reusable and how to responsibly share your research data in line with the principle "as open as possible, as closed as necessary".


April 14, 2025 (2 PM - 4 PM)

Hybernska Campus, building A, 3rd floor @ online

Explore 4EU+ online courses

For next semester 4EU+ universities offer online courses available to all students. Check the 4EU+ Student Portal for course offerings and deadlines.

Don´t miss the chance.

Various Career Pathways in Research

Do you know where to go after a PhD?

Into academia or somewhere else? What are the various paths for you? Lecture blocks and activities at this workshop might help you!


April, 16; 2 AM - 5 PM (fulltime) at Kampus Hybernská A3

May, 7; 2 AM - 5 PM (online)

Valorize your research idea - Lean Canvas

Lets learn how to clearly define the key aspects of your project, identify risks and prepare the idea for the implementation. Together we will explain how the Lean Canvas works and try out its use on your specific examples.


April, 23; 2 AM - 4 PM

Kampus Hybernská A3

Web of Science Research Assistant now available at CUNI

The Web of Science Research Assistant is now available at Charles University until April 30! It enables natural language searches in various languages, interactive visualizations of trends and analytical outputs, saving chat history and much more.

Webinars for Early Career Researchers

Attend one or more seminar organized by National Library of Technology on advanced searching, citing, and communicating. Topics included: My First Scientific Article, Academic Integrity and more. Webinars are free of charge and open for everyone.


Wednesdays from March 5, at 10 AM

Call for papers!

Contact Zones: Human and Non-Human Relations. The conference will be held on the 10th and 11th of June 2025 at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome.


Submit abstracts by: March, 28th 2025

First Aid Course: Four Hours for Life

The course, organized by the Czech Red Cross for Charles University, will teach you how to provide first aid for unconsciousness, respiratory and circulatory arrest and effective resuscitation. The teaching is limited to the most necessary theory, with emphasis on the practical part.


March, 28; 8,30 AM - 12,30 PM

UK Point, Celetná 13, meeting room 0.13

International středa, mezinárodní Wednesday

Every Wednesday evening there is an informal gathering at the Kampus Hybernská where you can meet your international and Czech classmates. Join us for a chat and enjoy the social program, which includes pub quizzes, language cafés, interesting talks, swaps and so much more.

FAIRWizard tool launched

Get to know the new tool which is intended for all researchers at Charles University.

With this tool, you can effectively manage your data, monitor how you are fulfilling the FAIR principles, and last but not least, use it to create a data management plan (DMP).

Postdoctoral Hub

Are you about to complete your PhD and interested in pursuing a career in science? There's a platform for postdoctoral fellows that serves as a signpost and a place to meet and share information for early career academics and researchers at Charles University.

Information for student parents

Charles University tries to meet the needs of students who are parents with young children and create conditions enabling them to bring their study and parent duties in line.



All news >
Calendar of events and courses for PhD candidates
March 2025

Survival Czech: Language Course for Total Beginners

18 March 2025 – 17 April 2025


Dobrý den! Are you a Ph.D. student wanting to learn the basics of the Czech language? Join our online language courses for beginners! This course will focus on introduction, shopping, eating and more.

All events >


Contact Us

Charles University


Student Affairs Department

Doctoral Studies Office

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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