PhD Mondays
Do not hesitate to come and use the quiet space in the Kampus Hybernská to write your dissertation, study or meet your colleagues.
Newsletter for PhD Candidates
Check out the newsletter (Sep–Jun), where you will find an overview of events, seminars, and other information prepared as part of the Doctoral Study Hub.
Apply for the LERU summer school, which will take place on the 22nd-27th July 2025 at the University of Copenhagen.
This time on the topic: "Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience."
Application deadline: by January 15, 2025, via MS Forms link
Get to know the new tool which is intended for all researchers at Charles University.
With this tool, you can effectively manage your data, monitor how you are fulfilling the FAIR principles, and last but not least, use it to create a data management plan (DMP)
Get to know more about Artificial Inteligence on the Charles University. Read the recommendations about AI or learn about AI and Ethics through courses and lectures.
Charles University
Student Affairs Department
Ovocný trh 5
116 36 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4
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