PhD Mondays in Kampus Hybernská

Do you study in doctoral program at Charles University and do you miss a quite place where you can write your dissertation, study or meet your colleagues?

In the centre of Prague in Kampus Hybernská (Hybernska 4, Prague 1), Building D - 2nd floor; near Metro line B - Namesti Republiky), there is a space for you where you can write, study or meet other colleagues.

The rooms are available for doctoral candidates EVERY MONDAY FROM 9:00 AM TO 8:00 PM. No advance reservation is necessary.

Rooms available:

D.2 Sál (room 201 with capacity up to 50 people)

D.2 Zasedačka (room 202 with capacity up to 10 people)

D.2 Cowork (interconnected rooms 204 + 206 with capacity up to 20 people)

When you want to use the space:

  • give your name at the reception of the Kampus Hybernská (the reception desk is located at the entrance to the Kampus Hybernská in front of the Building A), where you will be provided with a key and chip to the D.2 rooms;

  • when leaving, simply return the key and chip again at the reception.

If you can´t get access to the room on 2nd floor in D building, ring the bell or knock on the door.

Map of Kampus Hybernská

Events planned:

On the following Mondays, there will be a seminar for registered participants in the main auditorium (Sál). However, access to the other rooms is not restricted (unless stated otherwise), so you are welcome to come.

  • July 22, 2024 (8:00-16:00) - Main auditorium reserved for Kampus Hybernská event

  • September 16, 2024 (all day) - Entire space reserved for Kampus Hybernská event

  • September 23, 2024 (13:00-19:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Open Science

  • October 7, 2024 (13:00-19:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Supervising graduate and postgraduate research projects

  • October 21, 2024 (8:00-13:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Science into Action

  • November 4, 2024 (13:00-19:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Research Data Management for Postdocs

  • November 11, 2024 (8:00-13:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Design Thinking

  • November 18, 2024 (13:00-19:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Excellence in International Networking, Teaming and Cooperation

  • December 2, 2024 (13:00-19:00) - Entire space reserved for PostDoc Mondays: Various Career Pathways in Research

Plan of the Kampus Hybernská - Building D (2nd floor)

Image gallery of D.2

Entrance to the building D and Sál (room 201)

Vstup do budovy 2D

Zasedačka (room 202) and Chill-out zone (room 203)

Cowork (room 204 and 206)

Kitchen and bell for rooms in building D, 2nd floor

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Last change: July 10, 2024 09:54 
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