• Kalendář akcí a kurzů pro doktorandy

Kalendář akcí a kurzů pro doktorandy

Various Career Pathways in Research

The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with an overview that can be used to make informed decisions about where to go after a PhD. Into academia or somewhere else? And for what types of jobs and working positions? Pros and cons and specifics of the various paths will be discussed.

In the workshop, participants 1) will learn about professional paths of PhD holders from various research fields (SSH - social sciences and humanities and STEM - science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and their use of PhD study experience also in non-academic careers; and 2) have a time to think about their own priorities regarding their professional lives.

The workshop will combine lecture blocks and group and individual activities. Lecture blocks will present findings from quantitative and qualitative research dedicated to professional paths of PhD holders in academic and non-academic careers. Group and individual activities will focus on identifying participants' own priorities related to their professional future and linking these priorities to various options of concrete career paths.

Začátek akce 7. května 2025 v 14:00
Konec akce 7. května 2025 v 17:00
Organizátor Rektorát
Email na organizátora katerina.plachtova@ruk.cuni.cz
Program https://vzdelavani.is.cuni.cz/simplifyworks/eoc/public/programs/2250638033
Cílová skupina Studenti PhD. programů
Jazyk výuky angličtina
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Univerzita Karlova


odbor pro studium a záležitosti studentů

oddělení doktorského studia

Ovocný trh 560/5

Praha 1, 116 36

Česká republika

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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