• Calendar of events and courses for PhD candidates

Calendar of events and courses for PhD candidates

‹  March 2024  ›


11 January 2024 – 31 December 2024

Proofreading Service of English Texts


We provide you with help of your academic texts in English. If you are unsure about your grammar, style and spelling, try our service with a native speaker.

11 January 2024 – 31 December 2024

Proofreading Service of Czech Texts


Are you concerned about the Czech language in your academic texts? It is not necessary now because of our helping hand. Try proofreading!

12 March 2024 – 11 April 2024

Survival Czech: Language Course for Total Beginners


Dobrý den! Are you a Ph.D. student wanting to learn the basics of the Czech language? Join our online language courses for beginners! This course will focus on introduction, shopping, eating and more.

13 March 2024

Career Day at CU


Are you ready to work? At Career Day at CU, you can choose from a range of activities to help you kick-start your career. We look forward to seeing you at Kampus Hybernská in March.

18 March 2024

How to Become a Reflective Teacher

Join our workshop tailored for educators aiming to enrich their teaching through reflection. Discover and master reflective tools and techniques, allowing you to critically assess your methods, engage with feedback received, and improve instructional strategies.


March, 18; 14:00 - 17:00


25 March 2024

Doctoral Peer Club: Share Your Written Introduction


Are you writing about apples in your academic paper, but do the readers understand oranges? Perhaps all you need is good constructive feedback! Come and join our workshop, where you can gain support, learn how your audience comprehends the content of your academic text and how to work with feedback!

4 April 2024

Active learning: Crafting Engaging Learning Environments


Universities are expected to educate skilled graduates who possess great problem-solving skills. This is possible when appropriate methods of teaching are chosen and students are active and involved in the teaching-learning process. Many years of research proves that students should do more in class than just listen. They should read, write, discuss and engage in problem-solving activities. Most importantly, to be actively engaged, students need to undertake higher-order thinking tasks such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Thanks to active learning, not only do we improve students’ participation in class, but also develop their core transversal competencies. 

5 April 2024

Doctoral Peer Club: Title & Abstract


Are you writing about apples in your academic paper, but do the readers understand oranges? Perhaps all you need is good constructive feedback! Come and join our workshop, where you can gain support and learn how your audience comprehends the content of your academic text and how to work with feedback!

9 April 2024

Reflective Teams

The method proposed in this workshop has been developed and piloted as part of the ‘Intercultural Reflection on Teaching’ (IntRef) project funded by Erasmus+. The “Reflecting Team” is an activity which will enable the participant to share and discuss teaching with colleagues from other disciplines and faculties, and applies models of collegial co-supervision. Academic teachers provide problems encountered during teaching which are discussed by a group of peers facilitated by a moderator.

More information can be found here.

16 April 2024 – 16 May 2024

Survival Czech 2


Ahoj, jmenuji se…. If you are a Ph.D. student who has finished Survival Czech: Language Course for Beginners, join our second following up webinar. This course will focus on apologies, time expressions, or daily routine.

16 April 2024

Designing group learning activities

For more information click here.

17 April 2024

Researchers as Educators: Strategies for Effective University Teaching

The workshop aims to equip researchers with the essential skills needed to be effective educators in a university setting. Participants will focus on developing teaching strategies, engaging students effectively, and adapting their research expertise to create impactful learning experiences.

22 April 2024 – 29 April 2024

English for Academic Writing Workshop

The 9-hour program will teach you how to plan, organize, and write clear, well-structured, and accurate texts for publication. Realistic communicative activities will help you present your ideas with clarity and precision. The seminar is interactive and will include open discussion.


22nd, 24th and 29th April 2024; 14:00–17:00


24 April 2024 – 26 April 2024

Free spring school for early career researchers

If you are researching the impact of digital technology on individuals and societies and want to explore how working with other disciplines can advance your research, the spring school Interdisciplinarity in DigiTech Research might be of interest to you.


24th - 26th April 2024, Prague

29 April 2024

Doctoral Peer Club: Share Your Conclusion


Are you writing about apples in your academic paper, but do the readers understand oranges? Perhaps all you need is good constructive feedback! Come and join our workshop, where you can gain support and learn how your audience comprehends the content of your academic text and how to work with feedback!

6 May 2024

Enhancing oral assessment in higher education

This interactive workshop aims to equip educators with effective strategies and techniques to improve the quality of oral assessments in higher education, promoting fair evaluation and enhancing student communication skills. By the end of this workshop, educators will be equipped with practical strategies, tools, and insights to effectively design, implement, and evaluate oral assessments that promote student engagement, communication skills, and overall academic success in higher education.

15 May 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask! @@29_5@@

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Searching for open access works

May 15, 14:30-16:00


16 May 2024

Writing Effective Literature Reviews Workshop

This 3-hour workshop is designed to help Ph.D. students and academics, especially non-native English speakers, on how to write an effective academic literature review. The seminar is interactive and will include open discussion.

20 May 2024

Asertivní komunikace v akci

The course is focused on interactive exercises where participants will have a chance to train their assertive communication skills.

The outcomes of the exercises will reflect fundamental blocks of assertive communication and techniques that may be simply implemented into communication. Each participant will also have a chance to reflect their own communication style and receive feedback from others and the trainer, which will help them draw focus on strengths and areas ready for improvement.

21 May 2024 – 20 June 2024

Survival Czech 3


Učím se česky. If you are a Ph.D. student who has finished the first two courses Survival Czech, or you already have basic knowledge of the Czech language, which you want to develop, join our second following up webinar. This course will focus on making plans, health, or transportation.

22 May 2024

Organizing for the future-knowledge transfer and impact

Research impact - using research to make a beneficial change in the world beyond academia

Attend online seminar about social impact of scientific research.


May 22, 2024; 15:00 - 17:00

Join online HERE

13 June 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask! @@13_6@@

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: The FAIR principles in science, technology and engineering – How to write a good Data Management Plan for FAIR research data

June 13, 14:00-15:30


19 June 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Searching for open access works

June 19, 15:00-16:30


25 June 2024 – 31 August 2024

Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management

Take the next step in your career!

Attend seven month prestigious Diploma that is aimed at students who want to learn project management.

Application deadline: August, 31

1 July 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Citizen science

July 1, 14:00-15:30


16 July 2024

Everything you always wanted to know about Open Science but were afraid to ask!

Attend one of the seminars on transparency and collaboration in the academic world.

This time is the topic: Open Science and Evaluation, how to reward open practices

July 16, 14:30-16:00


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Charles University


Student Affairs Department

Doctoral Studies Office

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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