Course providers

Courses and seminars that are offered to the PhD candidates of Charles University are mainly provided by the departments of the Rector's Office and by the Faculties of Charles University.

CU Point

UK Point is a place that brings together a range of services for different target groups. It offers support to PhD candidates in several areas – UK Point is primarily an information centre, so you can turn here if you have any questions. You can get your student/employee ID card and find help at the Carolina Centre if you find yourself in a difficult life situation. UK Point also provides training and courses exclusively for doctoral candidates, focusing mainly on soft skills. It also servers to alumni of Charles University through the Alumni Club and is developing a career center.

Courses aimed directly for PhD candidates

Individual coaching (free of charge)

Link to events for doctoral candidates

Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer

The CKTT provides support to UK students and staff in the application of their research (knowledge valorisation) - individual advice, administrative and legal services, intellectual property protection and more. At the same time, CKTT organises the Innovation Lab (self-)learning platform, which includes networking and workshops focused on idea development and entrepreneurship.

► It includes the UK Innovation Lab and activities within the Hyb4City Campus

Full course offer

CKTT website

Centre for Lifelong Learning

Internally, the CLL focuses on improving the qualifications and teaching skills of academic staff, offers professional development courses for non-academic staff of the university, develops the agenda of so-called microcertificates (courses for students, staff and the public) and independently implements projects such as the Junior University for high school students or the international science competition FameLab, which popularises science.

Courses particularly for CU employees

Link to courses in English

Central Library

The Central Library of Charles University is primarly a central methodological workplace for library and information services. Although you won't find books and a reading room there, it is a centre for e-learning and open science support and is involved in the management of the university-wide library system, repositories and electronic information resources. The Central Library offers a range of training courses and consultations on distance learning tools, research data management, sharing research outputs (research data, publications), the use of AI and a range of other key information on literacy skills.

Seminars developing key competenceis for information literacy

Open Science

European Centre

The European Centre strengthens the UK's role as a 'research university' in the international scientific field. It engages researchers in international scientific networks, enables early career researchers to gain international experience and helps them to obtain research funding. The European Centre also manages the 4EU+ Alliance, which brings together 8 prestigious European universities. The 4EU+ Alliance offers a range of training activities and other international opportunities (not only) for doctoral candidates.

General information about the European Centre

4EU+ Alliance

4EU+ Student Portal - courses for PhD candidates

Last change: September 20, 2024 13:02 
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Charles University


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Doctoral Studies Office

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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