• Supervisor
  • Writing for Publication: Supervisor/Lecturer Training

Writing for Publication: Supervisor/Lecturer Training

– Theoretical Foundations

This training is designed for current and aspiring supervisors of doctoral students, or teachers of professional writing who want to learn how to specifically support junior researchers in starting their publishing activities. In addition to theoretical frameworks and practical experience, participants prepare materials for their teaching during the course, learn to give and receive constructive feedback, and share experience with colleagues from other disciplines and institutions.

Target group:

  • post-docs and/or supervisors of graduate/doctoral students/early-career researchers from various disciplines with experience in the peer review process, publishing, and supervision (English at C1 level according to CEFR)

  • or lecturers involved in the teaching of academic writing/writing for publication/ science communication (English at C1 level according to CEFR)

Dates: October 14, 2024 – January 31, 2025

Format: Blended-learning course (LMS Moodle + 3 synchronous Zoom sessions: October 22, November 12, December 10)

Time commitment: 3-5 hours of study on average per week

Apply by: October 14, 2024

Apply via the LLL (life-long-learning) courses at VSB-TUO or contact

Apply via the LLL (life-long-learning) courses at VSB-TUO or contact

To register for the seminar, it is necessary to sign up on the VSB-TUO portal.

Course description and learning goals:

A unique international, two-semester, blended-learning training for supervisors and/or lecturers of Writing for Publication/Scientific Writing/Academic Writing. The training comprises Theoretical Foundations course and mentored Teaching Practice. The training aims to support participants in designing and teaching research writing courses for graduate students/ doctoral candidates/ researchers at the beginning of their careers. During the course, participants explore various aspects of teaching research writing, including rhetorical and genre analysis, feedback, and the publication process (e.g. choosing an appropriate journal, communicating with editors and reviewers, and preparing the manuscript for peer review). Participants will also learn to view writing as a social and emotional activity through which one develops one's identity as a scholar and researcher. As a result, they will be able to use their acquired skills to communicate the general principles of research writing in English and to provide ongoing support with constructive feedback on papers/ dissertations.

Participants will learn:

  • how to guide students through the writing and publishing, peer review, and revision process

  • how to give effective feedback

  • how to apply various writing pedagogies to the teaching and supervision of writing for publication

  • how to develop a course/ workshop on research paper writing for their own setting

Course outline – Theoretical Foundations:

1. Module 1: Introduction and Threshold Concepts

2. Module 2: The Writer

3. Module 3: Rhetorical Genre Analysis Skills

4. Synchronous Check-in

5. Module 4: Plagiarism, Patchwriting, and Source Use

6. Module 5: The Empirical Article: Introductions and Literature Reviews

7. Synchronous Check-in

8. Module 6: The IMRAD Article: Results, Methods, Discussion, and Clarity

9. Module 7: Teaching Advanced Writing: Peer Review, Writing Groups, and Writers’ Workshops

10. Synchronous Check-in

11. Module 8: Writing Conferences and Offering Feedback

12. Module 9: Supporting the Publication Process

13. Module 10: Instructional Design and Technologies

Course participants also receive the handbook Teaching Writing for Publication to EAL learners (authored by Etchegoyen Rosolová K., Lurring, E. and Kašpárková A.). This handbook summarizes the basic approaches to teaching publication skills in English and contains many practical examples of students’ texts.

This training was prepared in cooperation with Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, within the project TL01000274 “Publish and Flourish: Publication Activity Support for PhD Students and their Supervisors” supported by ETA Programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

Apply via the LLL (life-long-learning) courses at VSB-TUO or contact .


Dr. Dana Driscoll

Dana Driscoll serves as the founding director of Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Scholarly Communication and teaches in the Composition and Applied Linguistics Doctoral Program and in their undergraduate Writing Studies track. Driscoll developed and coordinates a range of advanced writing supports for dissertation and thesis writing, writing for publication, and other forms of scholarly communication. This support includes workshops, boot camps, retreats, writing groups, and a scholarly editing and writing manuscript service.

Read more

Learn more about Dana Driscoll below:

IUP website

DD’s visit to the Czech Republic in 2022

DD’s visit to the Czech Republic in 2023



Last change: December 4, 2024 11:04 
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