• Calendar of events and courses for PhD candidates

Calendar of events and courses for PhD candidates

How to create a scientific poster

Creating a poster is one of the important disciplines of scientific work promotion. Come and find out about which method, which tools and which form you can choose.

You can bring data for preparing your poster and use the newly acquired knowledge in practice.

Lecturer: Mgr. Michal Láznička

Language: English

Anotation: This workshop will cover the basics of poster presentation. Different approaches to poster design will be discussed with particular focus on the "Better Poster" design principles (https://osf.io/ef53g/). We will also discuss the tools that can be used for creating posters. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss suitable ways of presentation, given their field of research and the nature of the data they work with. Participants are also encouraged to bring own posters or data and project notes experiment hands-on with the design principles that will be discussed during the workshop. 

WHERE: Zelená posluchárna/Green auditorium (no. 141), Celetná 20, Prague 1

WHEN: 26th April 2023

TIME: 15:00 - 16:30

REGISTRATION: Educational Portal

CAPACITY: 30 participants

HOST: Rectorate of Charles University

CONTACT OF THE HOST: katerina.plachtova@ruk.cuni.cz

Event start 26 April 2023 at 15:00
Event end 26 April 2023 at 16:30
Type of event Course, workshop, seminar
Organiser Rectorate of Charles University
Organiser's contact email katerina.plachtova@ruk.cuni.cz
Organiser's contact phone +420 224 491 485
Venue Zelená posluchárna/Green auditorium (no. 141), Celetná 20
Reservation Educational Portal
Admission fee FREE
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Czech Republic

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