Plagiarism ****************************************************************************************** * How to avoid and prevent plagiarism ****************************************************************************************** Charles University aims to educate young scientists and academics who publish their achiev field of scientific knowledge. Publishing activities are perceived in the academic community as very important and valuab advancement and development in a scientist's career. From this impulse, a collaboration of from public universities has produced material that presents in a concise, sometimes enter important points to be observed. Handbooks 1) How to Avoid Plagiarism [ URL "PHDEN-112-version1-fontana___how_to_avoid_plagiarism.pdf prepared by fifteen experts from eight public universities in the Czech Republic, aims to aforementioned ignorance and become a useful and widely used tool that will advise student up - and then not regret it. 2) How to prevent plagiarism in student work: the Handbook for Academics [ URL "PHDEN-112- fontana___how_to_prevent_plagiarism_in_student_work.pdf"] will in turn give teachers and l on how to explain everything to students in a clear way and how to warn them about various writing school and thesis work. In addition to copying in examinations, supervisors also encounter unethical practices in in higher education, the most obvious of which is plagiarism. The aim of the text guides is to familiarize everyone with the current form and rules agai particular.